
Buddhiraj Sahu
1 min readJul 26, 2020

Papa is sleeping a lot these days.

He is very passionate and shows great enthusiasm towards his homeopath books and online videos of case studies.Most of the time,one will find him writing notes and reading books by books and piling them up on his bed side.
I said to maa, "why is he sleeping and not doing anything.he is not even doing a simple thing like opening the covers of garlic .He is becoming more stubborn and old day-by-day" rudely.

Maa said nothing.

Today morning, maa saw him sleeping.I thought she might be angry.But,she said "he doesn’t sleep this much normally,has something happened to him?"in a very caring tone.

She showed her genuine perspective toward the person she deeply care about.



Buddhiraj Sahu

I am a Neuro-Nomad , love to view the world in an artistic way!!Currently playing in between two extremities- Artificial Intelligence and Human-Psychology.